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The two first webinars of the EuroBloodNet's Topic on Focus: Cutaneous Lymphoma program already available on EuroBloodNet's EDU YouTube channel!

The EuroBloodNet's Topic on Focus aims to disseminate very innovative topics among health professionals in order to give the visibility to the last cutting-edge advances on rare haematological diseases. The first program, focused on Cutaneous Lymphoma, has started in April with more than 200 registrations all over the world.  The attendance to the full program will provide 7 Continuing Medical Education credits by the European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH).

We are glad to inform our community that the two first webinars are now available on the EuroBloodNet's EDU YouTube channel. The two first sessions are EuroBloodNet's Topic on Focus: Cutaneous Lymphoma "Introduction to Cutaneous Lymphoma" provided by Prof. Dr. Rein Willemze and "Mycosis Fungoides" provided by Prof. Dr. Marteen VermeerAdditionally, PDF presentation of the sessions can be found on the dedicated webinars’ section of the EuroBloodNet's website.

The EuroBloodNet's EDU YouTube channel has been recently launched as the platform to disseminate all the videos of the different educational actions organized by EuroBloodNet. Moreover, the rest of the sessions of the program will be soon available on the channel. Subscribe!

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