Rare Disease Day improves knowledge amongst the general public of rare diseases while encouraging researchers and decision makers to address the needs of those living with rare diseases.
Europe's Cancer Plan will propose actions at every key stage of the disease: prevention (lifestyle, pollution, vaccination), diagnosis, treatment and survivorship.
In order to increase the outreach of network actions and results, we are glad to announce the release of two new ERN-EuroBloodNet communication channels through Facebook and Linkedin
ERN-EuroBloodNet is proud to collaborate with Europe Lymphoma Coalition on a Cutaneous Lymphoma comprehensive webinar program addressed to patients associations and patients advocates that will be tailored based on the results
Commission website (Europa) now hosts a searchable interface with details about ERNs for the public to search, including multi-lingual factsheets about ERNs and locations of members and partner centres.
ERN-EuroBloodNet Thursdays webinars aims to promote interest on very innovative topics in order to stress among health professionals the cutting-edge advances in the field of Rare Hematological Diseases, mainly addressing very rare diseases, complex disorders, highly specialized procedures and implementation of guidelines.
Check the upcoming Thursdays Webinars (17:00 GMT+1) and register to receive the link!
ERN-EuroBloodNet ERN-EuroBloodNet Hôpital St Louis / Université Paris 7 1 avenue Claude Vellefaux 75475 PARIS, France
ERN-EuroBloodNet is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are supported by the European Commission. For more information about the ERNs and the EU health strategy, please visit http://ec.europa.eu/health/ern
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