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Anaemias Training on Red Blood Cell Morphology

Anaemia disorders are characterized by the disruption of the Red Blood Cells morphology. The direct link between the disorder and the morphology of the Red Blood Cell constitutes a powerful tool in the diagnosis of these pathologies.  

A course for the learning of Anaemias and Red Blood Cells abnormalities has been published in 2003.

The material has been produced by O. Fenneteau (Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris), V.  Latger-Cannard (CHU de Nancy), J. Buisine (CHU de Nancy),  F. Mielot (Hôpital Kremlin Bicêtre), T. Cynober (Hôpital Kremlin Bicêtre), P. Aguilar-Martinez (CHU de Montpellier),  M. Maier-Redelsperger (Hôpital Tenon, Paris), R. Girot (Hôpital Tenon, Paris) and edited by Pr. Georges Flandrin.

The material is divided into 2 different major topics and includes 50 cases:

  1. Anaemias, Diagnostic Value of Red Blood Cell Abnormalities and Diagnostic Approach
  2. Inherited Disorders of Red Cells Leading to Anemia

The Course is now online available on the ERN-EuroBloodNet website thanks to the transfer work performed by the University of Montpellier:

English Version: Anaemias - Red Blood Cells abnormalities 

French Version: Anémies - Anomalies érythrocytaires

Euro Blood Net