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Aplastic Anemia in children, adolescents and adult patients

ERN-EuroBloodNet is endorsing via EuroBloodNet Association three preceptorships held in ERN-EuroBloodNet' highly specialized centers for Aplastic Anemia (AA) to provide applicants with the fundamental tools for a correct diagnostic and treatment approach to Aplastic Anemia, adolescents, and adult patients.

Each preceptorship is accredited with Continuous Medical Education points issued from the European Board of Accreditation in Hematology and aims to:

  • Train medical residents in haematology and young haematologists in patient care, including diagnostic tools, optimal use of available and new drugs, and in the field of Aplastic Anemia supportive care

  • Learn or improve medical resident in haematology and young haematologists knowledge in clinical research, including participation to registries and clinical trials

  • Stimulate cross-border collaborations between medical residents in haematology and young haematologists

Preceptorship on AA and PNH, developed within the ERN-EuroBloodNet framework, is sponsored by EuroBloodNet Association throught a grant supported by Pfizer.

Participants must be affiliated to European Member States Healthcare providers. Discover further details for participation in the educational program document (submission procedure, selection procedure, deadlines...) and click on the boxes to obtain detailed information about the agenda of each preceptorship program.

Euro Blood Net