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GenoMed4All & ERN-EuroBloodNet for precision medicine in hematology

GenoMed4All & ERN-EuroBloodNet for precision medicine in hematology

13/09/2023 12:30

Speakers: Federico Álvarez, Victoria Gutiérrez Valle

Target: Patients, Health professionals, Patients organizations
Subnetworks: Myeloid malignancies, Red blood cell defects
Disease Groups: Transversal for Myeloid malignancies, Transversal for Red blood cell defects


Federico Álvarez is Telecom Engineer with honours (2003) and Ph. D. (2009), both by the "Universidad Politécnica de Madrid". He is working as a Full Professor in UPM, in the area of media communications and applied AI. He is the head of the Visual Telecommunications Applications group (GATV) in UPM. He funded 3 startups in the last 10 years in the area of media technologies and AI for health. He was visiting researcher in the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (Munich) in 2006. Prof. Álvarez has a long track record in the EU research, especially in the areas of AI applied to media and health sectors. He is nowadays the coordinator in the EU programme Horizon 2020 of GenoMED4ALL (AI for Genomics and personalized medicine), RESCUER (AI for situation awareness of first responders), EU4Child (AI for Childhood Cancer research) and TeNDER (AI oriented to cognitive diseases care). He has been in the last 10 years also leading the UPM participation in more than 20 EU funded projects in such areas. He worked as expert for different national research funding agencies worldwide including the European Commission, and for the European Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. He had taken part in standardisation bodies such as DVB-ETSI or CENELEC. He is author and co-author of (110+) papers in journals, congresses and books in the field of ICT and AI technologies. He is serving in the Programme Committee of several congresses and as reviewer of scientific journals.

Victoria Gutierrez Valle is based at the rare anemia disorders research laboratory in translation research group on cancer and blood disorders in children at Vall d'Hebrón Research Institute - University Hospital Vall d'Hebrón in Barcelona (Spain). She is the Scientific manager of the European Reference Network on Rare Hematological Disorders ERN-EuroBloodNet, in charge of the definition of the network scientific strategy, and is involved in the relations with the European structures for data sharing and the EC-Joint Research Centre. She is also involved in the implementation of the European platform of patients' registries on rare hematological disorders, ENROL, and of the Rare Anaemia Disorders European Platform, RADeep.