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ERN-EuroBloodNet Topic on Focus: Constitutional thrombocytopenia

ERN-EuroBloodNet Topic on Focus on Constitutional Thrombocytopenia is an accredited European online educational program targeting health professionals organized by the ERN-EuroBloodNet and in partnership with the CRPP (French Reference Center for Inherited Platelet Disorders) and the Filière MHEMO (French Constitutional Bleeding Disorders Network).

The program consists of a cycle of webinars focused on Constitutional Thrombocytopenia developed in collaboration with three experts, Prof. Marie-Christine Alessi and Dr. Paul Saultier from Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille (member of the ERN) and Dr. Mathieu Fiore from CHU Bordeaux.

The main objective of this program is to disseminate up-to-date knowledge among interested haematologists, internists, paediatricians, or other healthcare providers to give visibility to cutting-edge advances in the field of Consitutional Thrombocytopenia. This group of rare diseases is characterized by thrombocytopenia associated with a variable bleeding tendency. Some of these diseases are also associated with a predisposition to developing serious additional illnesses (e.g. haematological malignancies, renal impairment, deafness, immune deficiency). There is a high need for education addressing pathophysiology and molecular basis, diagnosis, complications, and treatments of this group of disorders.

Webinars description

ERN-EuroBloodNet webinars are conducted using the Zoom Platform. It allows full audio and visual communication, as well as interaction between webinar's speaker and participants. Each Webinars will last one hour including speakers presentation and Questions & Answers session from the hearers. In addition, they are always held on the same day of the week and time slot: Wednesday at 5 pm (CET), once per month, from the 20th of September 2023 to 18th of December 2024. 

The following topics will be covered:

  • Pathogenesis of inherited thrombocytopenia

      Date: 20th of September 2023

      Speaker: Hana Raslova

  • Suspecting inherited thrombocytopenia

      Date: 11th of October 2023

      Speaker: Maria Luisa Lozano

  • Blood smears combined with immunofluorescence facilitate diagnosis in patients suspected for inherited platelet disorders

      Date: 15th of November 2023

      Speaker: Andreas Greinacher

  • Constitutional thrombocytopenia related to GPIb-IX-V complex defects

      Date: 31st of January 2024

      Speaker: Anna Savoia

  • MYH9-related disease

      Date: 7th February 2023

      Speaker: Maria Luisa Lozano Almela and José Rivera Pozo

  • Thrombocytopenia due to transcription factor defects and leukemia predisposition

      Date: 21st of February 2024

      Speaker: Paul Saultier

  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and X-linked thrombocytopenia

      Date: 20th March 2024

      Speaker: Coralie Mallebranche

  • Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia with or without skeletal abnormalities

      Date: 22nd of March 2024

      Speaker: Marlène Pasquet

  • Inherited thrombocytopenia: clinical cases (Part 1)

      Date: 10th of April 2024

      Speaker: Marie-Christine Alessi

  • Constitutional thrombocytopenia and bleeding risk

      Date: 5th of June 2024

      Speaker: Paolo Gresele

  • Benefits and limitations of high-throughput sequencing for the diagnosis of constitutional thrombocytopenia

      Date: 3rd of July 2024

      Speaker: Kathleen Freson

  • Constitutional thrombocytopenia: management of heavy menstrual bleeding

      Date: 25th of September 2024

      Speaker: Roseline D'Oiron

  • Constitutional thrombocytopenia: management of pregnancy

      Date: 23rd of October 2024

      Speaker: Remi Favier and Agnes Rigouzzo

  • Inherited thrombocytopenia and inherited thrombocytopathia: clinical cases (Part 2)

      Date: 6th of November 2024

      Speaker: Barbara Zieger

  • Platelet transfusions and other hemostatic therapies in inherited thrombocytopenia

      Date: 18th December 2024

      Speaker: Andreas Greinacher

Important! Webinars are recorded be publicly available through the ERN-EuroBloodNet website and social media channels. By joining the webinar you accept the possibility of being recorded and understand that will be publicly available on the website and social media channels. For more information, you can check the Privacy Policy.

Continuing Medical Education credits

This program is accredited with Continuing Medical Education Points provided by the European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH). Credits are assigned to the participants of a single session (1 credit) or to participants' of the full program (15 credits). 

Past webinars

Upcoming webinars

Check below the upcoming webinars and register!