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ERN-EuroBloodNet Meetings

This section is dedicated to the Board of Network meetings and Progress meetings of the ERN-EuroBloodNet. The Board of the Network (BoN) is composed by all Members and Affiliated Partners representatives, and the ERN European Patients Advocacy Groups (ePAGs).

Board of the Network (BoN) meetings: 

Onsite annual BoN meetings are held during the EHA annual congress to:

  • Update ERN actions and involve members; 
  • Gather feedback on potential concerns;
  • Validate the MWP developed by the SSB; 
  • Identify potential new actions.

Progress Meetings: 

Online Progress meetings including the whole BoN are held every 6 months to promote:

  • Plenary and Parallel submeetings by subnetworks and TFAs; 
  • discuss the ongoing actions; 
  • Identify potential new actions. 

Euro Blood Net