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Attend to “IX Course of Eritropathology” organized by the Catalan Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy

Attend to “IX Course of Eritropathology” organized by the Catalan Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy

The course that will be addressed next 11th and 25th of November, has been supported by ERN-EuroBloodNet

The meeting is endorsed by the ERN-EuroBloodNet and coordinated by David Benéitez Pastor (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital) and Albert Altés Hernández (Fundació Altahia).

Next 11th and 25th of November 2021 will take place the "IX Course of Eritropathology" organized by the Catalan Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy.

During the two evening sessions in Spanish the attendants will have the opportunity to learn from ERN-EuroBloodNet experts, such as, Paola Bianchi (Foundation IRCCS Ca'Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico), David Benéitez Pastor (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital), Pablo Velasco (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital), Ana Ortuño (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital), Veronica Pons (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital), Adoración Blanco (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital), and María del Mar Mañú Pereira (Vall d'Hebron University Hospital).

For more information please contact julianprieto(ELIMINAR) |T. 93 203 08 87 (Fundació Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut de Catalunya i de Balears).

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