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Two new innovative publications have been lauched by the EJP RD & IRDiRC.

Two new innovative publications have been lauched by the EJP RD & IRDiRC.

Discover more about the groundbreaking approach of these publications!

The EJP RD and the IRDiRC has lauched two groundbreaking publications that help pave the way for the future of research data sharing and information governance.

The publications describe a comprehensive approach to summarizing and managing use conditions for biomedical resources. 

Getting your DUCs in a row - standardising the representation of Digital Use Conditions 
This publication reports a robust, standard data structure that addresses the complex challenge of responsibly sharing research data, healthcare records, biosamples, and other biomedical resources. 
Common conditions of use elements. Atomic concepts for consistent and effective information governance 
This publication introduces a core lexicon of 20 essential terms, refined from an initial set of 76, that digitally represent standardized 'use condition' concepts. 

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