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The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) is now ERDERA!

The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) is now ERDERA!

ERDERA opens a new era for rare disease research in Europe and beyond!

The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) kicks off this September, with an estimated budget of 380 million euros and the aim of improving the lives of 30 million rare disease patients in Europe and beyond. 

This new partnership builds on EJPRD achivements to continue advancing diagnosis, prevention, and treatment research for the 30+ million people living with a rare disease in Europe and beyond. 

Backed by the European Union, over 170 organizations are uniting to make Europe a leader in rare disease research and innovation. At ERN-EuroBloodNet, we're proud to partner with the European Rare Disease Research Alliance (ERDERA)

ERDERA will hold a launch event next 28-29 October where representatives from the EC, the French Ministries of Health and Research, ERDERA leadership team and patient organisations will take the floor. The opening session schedule for 28 October between 2-3.30pm (CET)

Read the full Press Release HERE!