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The dissemination of activities and outcomes achieved by the ERNs is a cornerstone to ensure a wide impact among the Rare disease community, including health professionals, patients and other stakeholders. In 2020, ERN-EuroBloodNet actions and results have been presented acknowledging the ERN in the following events:

Date of the Event Slot in the Agenda Event Emplacement of the Event Representatives
10th January 2020 Establishment of an European Network of Sickle Cell Disease Patients Organizations  GASCDO Inaugural face-to-face meeting The Netherlands Mariangela Pellegrini
18th February 2020 ERN-EuroBloodNet activities European Network of Sickle Cell Disease Patients Organizations - Spanish and Portuguese National Meeting Spain Mariangela PellegriniMaría del Mar Mañú Pereira and Victoria Gutiérrez Valle 
20th February 2020 ERN-EuroBloodNet activities 3rd ERN-EuroBloodNet Meeting of Italian Healthcare Providers Italy Healthcare Providers Italian Members Representatives
22nd February 2020 ERN-EuroBloodNet European Reference Networks Meeting for Rare Disease Day Italy Antonella Meloni
5th March 2020 ASCAT Workshop results + The Establishment of The Sickle Cell Disease Patients Organisation 2020 Belgian Meeting on Red Blood Cell Disorders for Scientists and Patients Belgium Mariangela Pellegrini
5th March 2020 The role of ERNs in enabling cross border (clinical) research on Rare Diseases Malta Association of Biomedical Scientists (Thalassaemia International Day) Online María del Mar Mañú Pereira
1st July 2020 ENROL Kick off meeting ENROL Kick off meeting Online  

4th November 2020

Filière MARIH: RENCONTRE INTER-ASSOCIATIVE MARIH5, Meeting annuel Nationale Maladies Rares:  Point de Vue de l'Europe Online Mariangela Pellegrini
14th November 2020 Filière MCGRE: Journée des associations, Meeting annuel Nationale Le réseau européen EuroBloodNet et les patients  Online Mariangela Pellegrini
22nd November 2020 4th Board of Network meeting 4th Board of Network meeting Online  
4th December 2020 ESCF: Capacity Building, Learning and Networking Webinar   The ERN-EuroBloodNet Platform for Sickle Cell Disease Patients Advocacy and Education Online Mariangela Pellegrini
8th December 2020 Panel discussion: Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Patients “Preparing Europe For Novel Cell and Gene Therapies” Launch Event of the European Alliance for Transformative Therapies  Online Béatrice Gulbis
16th December 2020 Modelo europeo de unidades referencia (ERN-EuroBloodNet)  Diagnóstico y Manejo de las Enfermedades Raras en Eritropatología, Abordaje Multidisciplinar, Modelo de Atención en un Centro de Referencia Online María del Mar Mañú Pereira

Euro Blood Net