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Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and X-linked thrombocytopenia

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and X-linked thrombocytopenia

20/03/2024 17:00

Speakers: Coralie Mallebranche

Target: Health professionals
Subnetworks: Bleeding - Coagulation disorders
Disease Groups: Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a constitutional platelet anomaly

Dr. Coralie Mallebranche works at the CHU d'Angers since 2017, as a pediatrician in the Oncology, Hematology, and Immunology Unit. She focuses particularly on the diagnosis and treatment of non-malignant hematological diseases and primary immunodeficiencies, with clinical and basic research work on X-linked thrombocytopenia and the pathophysiology of associated complications. 

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