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NEW: CPMS simplified versions of step-by-step guide!!

NEW: CPMS simplified versions of step-by-step guide!!

Do you need expert’s advice on rare diseases cases? Do you need to get familiar with the CPMS and get updated on its new key features? Check our new CPMS quick guides !

In January 2022, more than 600 clinical centres became new members of the ERNs. Some were already affiliated partners but many were new, meaning that there are plenty of newcomers to the ERN community and new experts to be trained in the use of the CPMS.

The Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) is the ERN IT tool that currently supports cross-border discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of rare and complex clinical cases. This secured application was developed by the European Commission to meet the needs of the rare diseases field and fits well into their day-to-day life as clinicians.

Recently DG SANTE performed some updates on the CPMS platform to facilitate its use such as:

  • The reduction of panel stages: Panels no longer consist of different stages and no longer need to be progressed to a certain stage for a specific action. Once a panel has been created all the actions such as inviting members, uploading files and scheduling of meetings can be performed simultaneously. Once the panel outcome has been signed, the panel can be moved to the closed state and the panel is completed.
  • The uploading of files: Attaching files was previously done through the consultation form found under medical documents. Files are now attached in the main tab Attachments which is in the panel overview.
  • The possibility to invite an expert group to the platform: when inviting members to a panel, you can now choose to invite a group of experts in a specific disease, with only one click.

As a consequence of these new features, and with the increased number of ERN-EuroBloodNet members (36 new members joined us in 2022): new and simplified one-page CPMS guides have been created. They can be found in the section 'How to use the CPMS' and aim to get familiar in a quick way with :

DG Sante, recently ran a training session focused on the basic use of CPMS, targeted at the users who have signed up as of this year, as well as those who haven't yet had a chance to receive an introductory training on the use of the CPMS. The training webinar recording is available here: Training for Newcomers.mp4

Have a look at this new training material to start using the platform or to stay updated on its new features!

If you want more information or to get personalized training, please contact our CPMS Helpdesk: lea.margot(ELIMINAR)