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The ERN Preceptorship experience in the Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy

The ERN Preceptorship experience in the Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy

Discover the experience of the coordinator and the participants!

Last July 2024, 1st to 4th, the First Preceptorship on Aplastic Anemia in children and adolescents was held at the IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy. This educational activity “Preceptorship on Aplastic Anemia”, developed within the ERN-EuroBloodNet framework, is sponsored by EuroBloodNet Association throught a grant supported by Pfizer, under the coordination of Prof. Carlo Dufour.

During the preceptorship, the participants had the opportunity to:

  1. To learn differential diagnosis algorithm of Aplastic Anemia in children and adolescents with a special focus on atypical/ attenuated forms.
  2. To learn paediatric treatment algorithm for Aplastic Anemia.
  3. To receive general information on some lab techniques adopted in Aplastic Anemia including genetics, flow cytometry an cell culture assays.

In the following lines, you will find the outcomes of this ERN-EuroBloodNet Preceptorship experience from all the participants:

“During our four-day training, we attended several practical and theoretical seminars. Leading specialists in their fields held lectures on the most important and contemporary topics regarding the theme of the Preceptorship. We had the opportunity to visit the Hematology and Transplantology wards, where the doctors were more than welcome to guide us through their work and patients. During the Preceptorship, we were also instructed about the diagnostic and laboratory work-up of patients with aplastic anemias. Visiting the genetic, flow cytometry and biology laboratories was an amazing experience. There the instructors were very thorough about guiding us through the different tests as they were under way. Overall, the experience was more than brilliant. The colleagues were welcoming and always eager to answer any question and elucidate any foreign topics. I believe the knowledge that was passed onto us will help improve the diagnostics, management and care for young patients with aplastic anemia in our respective countries. I highly recommend the Preceptorship to any young hematologists looking to improve their skills and obtain up-to-date knowledge on the topic.” Dimitar KapralevUMHAT, St. Marina, Varna, participant.

“ERN-EuroBloodNet preceptorship on Aplastic Anemia was a truly enlightening experience. It was a pleasure to learn from internationally renowned experts in the field, Professor Carlo Dufour, Dr Francesca Fioredda, Dr Maurizio Miano and all the rest of the team in Instituto Giannini Gaslini. I gained valuable knowledge learning from experts in the field of bone marrow failure syndromes in children and adolescents, through lectures, attendance at ward rounds, laboratory sessions and multidisciplinary team meetings. I particularly enjoyed sessions where we discussed challenging cases and had the opportunity to discuss many questions I had and controversial topics in the field. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet colleagues from around Europe with a similiar interest in bone marrow failure syndromes in children and adolescents. I would highly recommend this preceptorship to anyone with an interest in this area as an excellent learning opportunity. I am very grateful to Prof Carlo Dufour and all the team in Instituto Giannini Gaslini for this opportunity and look forward to meeting again in the future.” Eoghan Dunlea, Children's Health Ireland, participant.

"The ERN-EuroBloodNet Preceptorship on "Inherited and Acquired Bone Marrow Failures in Children and Adolescents" at the Pediatric Hospital - IRCCS Institute Giannina Gaslini in Genoa, coordinated by Professor Carlo Dufour, has been an incredibly rewarding experience that exceeded all my expectations. The event showcased not only high scientific quality but also exceptional human-centered care in a warm, friendly, and hospitable environment. Real clinical cases were discussed, and diagnostic and decision-making dilemmas were thoroughly explored during ward rounds and team meetings. The integration of lectures and clinical insights offered a thorough understanding of the concepts and encouraged engaging discussions with the entire team. This experience has proven to be highly valuable for our daily clinical practice. Additionally, having the opportunity to exchange ideas and collaborate with both team members and colleagues from different countries was very inetresting for sharing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. I am deeply grateful to the ERN-EuroBloodNet/ERN Exchange Programme and Professor Dufour's team for this extraordinary opportunity for my professional growth, as well as for the chance to connect with so many wonderful people in such a beautiful setting as Genova. Thank you very much, and I sincerely hope there will be more opportunities to reconnect and collaborate in the future.” Elisa González Forster, Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu, participant.

“I had an immensely rewarding experience participating in the preceptorship on Aplastic Anemia in children and adolescents, organized by EuroBloodNet at the Hematology Unit of G. Gaslini Children's Hospital. The hospitality and professionalism of Prof. Dufour and the team at IRCCS Institute Giannina Gaslini were exceptional. The program was exceptionally well-structured, featuring interactive and consistently engaging activities. It offered both valuable practical clinical insights for real-world application and a research component that was truly enriching. Of particular interest were the laboratory activities, which are not typically part of my daily clinical practice. This preceptorship has been an outstanding formative experience for me as a pediatric resident, significantly enhancing my clinical and research work. I am immensely grateful to Prof. Dufour and his remarkable team for this opportunity and highly recommend it to all, including fellows and residents in hematology and pediatrics.” Irene Ferri, participant.  

I found this experience very satisfying and I had the opportunity to learn new knowledge. Although I deal with adult hematology, having the opportunity to see more closely the world of children was very helpful for my clinical practice, to be able to make comparisons and to improve the diagnostic definition in the field of young adults (who are more likely to have unmet medical needs). This preceptorship gave me a chance to interact with some of the most important experts in the field of BMFs, but also the opportunity to engage in discussions with other young hematologists about our own clinical experiences. I also found very useful the possibility to see laboratories, hematology and SCT wards and participation in the discussion of clinical cases with the medical team.Nicole Galli, IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, participant.  

“I am a rather shy person when not in a familiar environment. However, the whole team manage to create a comfortable environment to learn and interact. I am very thankful for that. On the other hand, it is very interesting to see how people work and how things are done in other places (some of them very similar and others so different). I really enjoyed the ward rounds both in Hematology and HSCT unit. And last (but not least), it has been a pleasure to experience firs-hand the good vibes that you have in your team. Everybody was so kind and warm that I will always remember this preceptorship with a smile on my face. Also the social dinner was nice!Melissa Panesso Romero, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, participant. 

“The stay in Genoa was a very enriching experience, both professionally and personally. From a teaching point of view, it was a complete course, both in terms of the material taught and the organisation and systematics applied each day. On a personal level, it was a unique opportunity to deepen learning, network and build relationships and, why not, future collaborations. In a nutshell, great teaching on bone marrow failure and better people at the G.Gaslini Children's Hospital!” Josune Zubicaray Salegui, Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, participant. 

We would like to thank all participants, coordinator and teachers for their commitment and participation in this preceptorship. 

The teachers of this program:
· Prof. Carlo Dufour (Coordinator)
· Dr. Maurizio Miano
· Dr. Francesca Fioredda
· Dr. Michela Lupia

You will find all the information about the next preceptorships on our website!