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ERN-EuroBloodNet Dissemination material is already available!

ERN-EuroBloodNet Dissemination material is already available!

Check the new leaflet and flyer!

ERN-EuroBloodNet Dissemination material have been produced with the aim of promoting the participation of European health professionals, patients, health authorities and other stakeholders in the common objective of improving healthcare and quality of life of patients affected by Rare Hematological Diseases.

In this context, the following ERN-EuroBloodNet dissemination material will be distributed in face to face meetings, congresses, symposia and other events:

  • ERN-EuroBloodNet leaflet: dissemination of the network in a general way, offering a professional look and a glimpse of the ERN. ERN-EuroBloodNet leaflet explains the rationale, objectives and methods through the Transversal Fields of Actions and details the subnetworks, goverance and members. The leaflet will be useful as an initial explanation, but also when a detailed presentation is required.
  • ERN-EuroBloodNet flyer: The flyer contains essential information on the ERN-EuroBloodNet by transmitting key messages: "Bringing together patients and health professionals to better shape clinical care." Due to its size, the flyer will be especially useful during congresses and international meetings.

At this stage the material is available in English but it is foreseen to translate the contents to other EU languages, such as French and Italian.

Download ERN-EuroBloodNet leaflet and flyer and spread the world!