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The dissemination of activities and outcomes achieved by the ERNs is a cornerstone to ensure a wide impact among the Rare disease community, including health professionals, patients and other stakeholders. In 2021, ERN-EuroBloodNet actions and results have been presented acknowledging the ERN in the following events:

Date of the Event Slot in the Agenda Event Emplacement of the Event Representatives
23rd February 2021 IV Italian Meeting of Healthcare Providers participating in ERN-EuroBloodNet IV Italian Meeting of Healthcare Providers participating in ERN-EuroBloodNet Online Achille Iolascon, Raffaella Colombatti, Luca Malcovati, Paola Bianchi, Gian Luca Forni, Ugo Ramenghi, Carlo Dufour, Loris Brunetta, Antonio Piga, Matteo Della Porta, Maria Domenica Capellini, Domenico Girelli and Filomena Longo
25th February 2021 Introduction (ERN-EuroBloodNet) Belgian Healthcare Providers Meeting Online Béatrice Gulbis
27th February 2021

Tavola Rotonda - Il Mondo del Sociale e le Istituzione per le Malattie Rare

Rare Disease  - National Italian European Reference Network

Online Achille Iolascon and Loris Brunetta
28th February 2021 ERN-EuroBloodNet per le malattie rare hematologica Rare Disease Verona - National Italian ERN Online Domenico Girelli
21st May 2021 ERN-EuroBloodNet activities 1st ERN-EuroBloodNet Progress Meeting Online SSB
24th September 2021 An Overview on ERN-EuroBloodNet Initiatives for SCD ESCF Summit 2021 Online Mariangela Pellegrini
30th September 2021 Introduction of EU Patient Organizations & EU Patients Groups Representatives (ePAGS) GenoMed4all&ERN-EuroBloodNet Patient Engagement e-workshop Online Mariangela Pellegrini, Sophie Wintrich, Raffaella Colombatti, Ananda Plate, Matteo della porta 
14th October 2021 An European Sickle Cell Registry: A Tool to Help Optimize Patient Care 16th International Sickle Cell Disease Congress Online Béatrice Gulbis
25th November 2021 ERN-EuroBloodNet RBC-COVID19 Platform IX Course of Eritropathology Hybrid (Spain) Pablo Velasco and María del Mar Mañú Pereira
28th October 2021 ERN-EuroBloodNet activities 2nd ERN-EuroBloodNet Progress Meeting Online SSB
13th December 2021

ERN-EuroBloodNet European Registry of Patients Affected by Red Blood Cell Disorders and COVID-19

63rd ASH Meeting Online Pablo Velasco
13th December 2021

Limited Access to Transcranial Doppler Screening and Stroke Prevention for Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Europe: Results of a Multinational Eurobloodnet Survey

63rd ASH Meeting Online Raffaella Colombatti
20th December 2021   Meeting Facilitating the creation of a bottom-up European Network of SCD Patients Organizations Online Mariangela Pellegrini, María del Mar Mañú Pereira, Loris Brunetta, Ariane Weinman and Raffaella Colombatti

Euro Blood Net